The city for the first time to participate in the Boao Forum rewarding – Yiwu News

April 1 to 3, the Boao Forum for Asia 2012 Annual Conference was held in Boao, Hainan Dongyu Island. Mayor He Meihua rate municipal government office, the outside Qiaoban Exhibition Office the first delegation to participate, and fruitful.  Boao Forum for Asia is a non-government, non-profit international organization, a high-level dialogue on important issues in Asia and the global platform. Forum was established 11 years ago, the important contributions made to unite the Asian consensus, spread the Asian voice, promoting Asian cooperation Asian win-win, won worldwide attention. Complex and volatile global economic situation, this years Forum Annual Meeting to determine the “change the world in Asia: Towards the theme of health and sustainable development”, held a total of 37 official events, very large amount of information. Meihua attended the opening as an important representative of the General Assembly. Delegation Yiwu development status and the actual work in a targeted manner choose to join the ASEAN Free Trade Area and regional economic integration, restructuring and misunderstanding, e-commerce to change the business innovation strength, the opening of private financial and banking sector related thematic meetings.  Forum during the event, members of the delegation Yiwu extensive contacts with government officials and renowned experts and scholars from home and abroad, and a comprehensive understanding of the latest information issued in the international financial crisis, Asias economic health and sustainable development; seize the opportunity to participate in thematic the national business elite to discuss economic and trade topic, appropriately publicize and promote the situation of the Yiwu pilot, the market as well as the development of exhibition industry, invites elite visited Yiwu, seek opportunities for cooperation; the same time, the General Assembly, organization, publicity, security, and learn from .  Participants during Meihua accept CCTV News reporters interview with former Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council Zeng Peiyan, former Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Singapore honorary Minister Goh Chok Tong, Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Huang Zhonghai, Thai Deputy Prime Minister Ji Tila · that Ranong, the Boao Forum for Asia, the Secretary-General Zhou Wenzhong exchanged. They said, at the right time to visit Yiwu. Delegation with the Forum Secretariat staff on the Boao Forum for Asia held in Yiwu Branch matters, negotiations, and reached a preliminary intention of cooperation.

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