Yiwu Information and News | Sponsored by Yachina.com the No.1 Yiwu Market Agent

Yiwu tea merchants have a new home

Posted on March 25, 2012 by Yiwu

Yiwu tea merchants have a new home


Recently, in Yiwu City the establishment of tea industry association, the person in charge of more than 70 member units gathered in a celebration of the tea industry has a common home. Municipal Committee, the propaganda minister quarter gold just to attend the inaugural meeting.

In recent years, as the market prosperity and development, the city’s economic and social rapid development, increasing people’s quality of life, increasingly strong tea culture, tea trade and tea consumption are scaled to a new level, the increasing market turnover. According to statistics, the professional tea Street at Spring Road, with annual sales of tea and tea related products has exceeded 1 billion yuan.

via Yiwu Information and News | Sponsored by Yachina.com the No.1 Yiwu Market Agent.

Yiwu Issued 25,700 Foreigner Visas and Residence Permits in 2011 – Yiwu News – Yiwu City in Pulse | eChinacities.com

Yiwu Issued 25,700 Foreigner Visas and Residence Permits in 2011

FAs living in Yiwu has become increasingly convenient, the county-level city has become a second home to many expats in China. In 2005, the Ministry of Public Security authorized Yiwu to directly handle its foreigner visas and residence permits. This was the first time that China allowed a county-level city to handle the acceptance, approval, production and issuing foreigner visas and residence permits.

In 2011, Yiwu issued a total of 25,700 foreigner visas and residence permits – for the first time exceeding the total sum of those issued in Ningbo and Hangzhou. In January 2012, the Yiwu International Trade Service Centre entered its “soft opening”. The centre includes 98 officials from the Yiwu Public Security Bureau, the Labour and Social Insurance Bureau , the Commerce Bureau, the Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, the Industry and Commerce Bureau, the National Security Bureau, and the Civil Aviation Bureau that are here to service foreigners. Yiwu’s Exit-Entry Administration office has also moved to inside the centre. The centre can help you handle foreign business investments, visa applications, matters regarding national security construction project approval, foreign employment permits, as well as provide translation and legal services.Yiwu Issued 25,700 Foreigner Visas and Residence Permits in 2011

via Yiwu Issued 25,700 Foreigner Visas and Residence Permits in 2011 – Yiwu News – Yiwu City in Pulse | eChinacities.com.

New Shantou-Yiwu-Urumqi Flight Route Opening soon – Yiwu News – Yiwu City in Pulse | eChinacities.com

New Shantou-Yiwu-Urumqi Flight Route Opening soon

Mar 21, 2012 eChinacities.com


A new Shantou-Yiwu-Urumqi flight route is scheduled to open on April 6th. The flight route will operate every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, departing from Shantou at 08:00, arriving in Yiwu at 09:20, departing from Yiwu at 10:00 and arriving in Urumqi at 15:20. The return flight will depart from Urumqi at 16:10, arrive in Yiwu at 20:30, depart from Yiwu at 21:20 and arrive in Shantou at 22:40.

See also:Yiwu Issued 25,700 Foreigner Visas and Residence Permits in 2011

Yiwu Network Goods Fair Promotional Work is in Full Swing


2012 China Yiwu e-commerce and network Commodities Fair (hereinafter referred to as the “Yiwu network goods fair”) will be held in Yiwu International Expo Center from June 8 to 10, Yiwu network goods fair will be publicize and promote in full swing.

In order to expand the visibility of network goods in Yiwu, March 13 -15, the Committee of promotion department staff visited China Knitwear Trade Fair which was held in Shanghai New International Expo Center. The China Knitwear Trade Fair has been successfully held 94 sessions, with greater influence in the industry, we would like to take its influence to promote our network goods fair. ” Committee of promotion department staff said in Shanghai Knitwear Trade Fair, they distributed 5,000 copies of the invitations, tickets and other promotional materials, many from Ningbo, Shanghai and other place


how many Yiwu goods can not be calculated at present

Yiwu goods can not be calculated at present

March 20 morning, Ms Tong who engaged in import and export trade business received the call from the customs agency, her company container was on the BARELI Singaporean container ship which ran aground two days ago “.

21:15 on 15th, Singaporean container ship BARELI on the way shipped from Ningbo to Fuzhou Jiangyin Port, ran aground in the waters near the Jiangyin Port, successfully rescued 21 foreign crew members of the board; freighter loaded container 1913 TEUs , of which 101 containers involving dangerous goods, mainly caustic soda and herbicides.

“My container was shipped from Ningbo, the agent just told me my container was in accident, and let us wait.” Ms. Tong said anxiously, she had never encountered this kind of thing, the most anxiety is the information barrier, do not know what state of the container.

The Yiwu Ms. Yang, a container is also aboard the ship. “On the 20th morning, until my husband saw the news, we know ‘BARELI’ accident, I was immediately called for the verification, my container shipped from Shanghai Port on that ship.” Ms. Yang said she was very curious about the bill of lading has not signed out, I did not think of the cargo ship accident.

Avoid Yiwu India tells traders; behave honestly says China

New Delhi: India on Wednesday managed to secure the release of two Indian traders trapped in China. But the trade turned diplomatic row rattled the foreign offices of both countries.

External affairs minister SM Krishna said the incident shouldn’t be blown out of proportion, even so the ministry told Indian traders to stay away from the town of Yiwu.

Krishna at a Press Conference in New Delhi said, “I am very happy with the outcome. Traders have been released and they are on their way to Shanghai under consular officers security. We have friendly relation with China. Let’s not blow this incident out of proportion. Both the traders will take care of themselves in the civil-suit case in China.”

Chinese Ambassador to India Zhang Yan said, “We are coordinating. We are working hard to solve the issue. Everything will be settled through Chinese law.”

Indian traders had been illegally detained and reportedly tortured by Chinese suppliers for non-payment of dues.

Trader Deepak Raheja speaking over the phone with CNN-IBN said, “We are poor people. We will fight the case but in a safe place. We haven’t had food, water for days now. If I am not taken to Shanghai within 24 hours, I will commit suicide.”

A strongly worded Indian advisory warned Indian traders to stay away from Yiwu – saying there was no guarantee of legal remedies there.

In response, the Shanghai authorities launched criminal proceedings against the Chinese suppliers and promised police protection to the Indian traders.

The fact is there’s a dark underside to Yiwu. The US government says it is one of four markets in China dealing in pirated and counterfeit goods.

Two Chinese music websites based here violate international copyrights and Indian diplomats hint at a criminal nexus involving traders, the courts and the police.

The Chinese authorities say the Indians are at fault.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said, “China hopes India can treat this case with objectivity and fairness, and actively educate Indian merchants in China to behave according to the Chinese law, behave honestly and operate legitimately.”

The Indians may have erred in not paying their dues but that does not justify their detention or maltreatment. India and China have begun 2012 on an unhappy note.


Yiwu,No.1 of China’s Top 10 Market Cities

According to the third China commodity Market Summit, Yiwu is No.1 of China’s Top 10 Market Cities, and meanwhile both the China Commodity City(CCC) of Yiwu and Yiwu Decoration City rank first respectively among China’s Top 10 advanced Markets and China’s Top 10 New-star Markets.

For more intensive studies of the commodity market, scientific researchers of the Institute of Finance & Trade Economics (IFTE), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), worked together for over 2 years with experts and scholars from research institution, universities, guilds, business administration departments for the Bluebook of Commmodity Market Development in China through on-the-spot investigation, interview, discussion,questionnaire, secondhand data collection, etc. They studied more than 300 markets in different areas, types, industries and development stages, and produced 7 different lists of award winners for the year 2007 related to China commodity markets:China’s Top10 Market Cities, China’s Top 10 Advanced Markets, China’s Top 10 Brand Markets,China’s Top 10 Innovation Markets,China’s Top 10 New-star Markets,China’s Top 10  Markets Worthies and China’s Top 10 Zhejiang Businessmen Outstanding in Foreign Investment Market.
It is learned that the top 10 market cities are Yiwu City,Yongkang City, Shaoxing City,Haining City,Tongxiang City, Foshan City,Shouguang City, Linyi City, Changzhou City and Wujiang City.
The volume of business of Yiwu commodities has been No.1 among national markets for 15 years and this year CCC is No.1 of the Top 10 Advanced Markets. Having developed for 10 years, relying on Yiwu international trade city, Yiwu Decoration City is becoming a shining star among decoration markets in Yiwu and even in China. Decoration commodities reach more than 10 provinces and cities like Shandong, Jiangsu,Anhui, Jiangxi,Sichuan,Guizhou, Shanghai and Beijing. The yearly volume of business reached 60 million yuan from 2001 to 2005 and the volume of business exceeded 100 million yuan in 2006. For all this, YiwuDecoration City is ranked No.1 of China’s Top 10 New-star Markets.
The list shows that Yiwu is becoming the leader of over 300 markets in China as well as the bank of market management talents. The list also shows that over half of the top ten market cities are those in Zhejiang Province. It is said that 16 markets in Zhejiang were awarded various grand prizes for China’s best commodities markets in 2007.

Zhejiang Yiwu, a primary school was robbed killed Reward for collecting clues to solve the case

BEIJING, Jinhua, Yiwu, Zhejiang, March 22 (Reporter Hu Xuming correspondent Chen Zhengming),

Dachen primary school a first grade students being hijacked in the early morning of March 19 and brutal murder. Yiwu police have issued a reward notice, collecting clues to solve the case to the community. Provide clues to help solve the case of the public to give 20,000 yuan award, members of the public found Richie bags and shoes to give 2000 yuan reward.

According to Yiwu police, the victim Richie (a pseudonym) Shangrao, Jiangxi Province, this year’s eight-year-old, from home to the second half of last year, Yiwu reading. To Yiwu, his parents, aunt and aunt have been Dachen work for many years, my sister thought (a pseudonym) has been promoted to Dachen sixth grade school.


Rao master of

Richie’s father, a garment factory workers, family rental in Dachen near the village committee, just ten minutes walk to Tai Chen Primary School. Every morning, Rao master got up to help Richie get dressed after breakfast money will be handed over to small thinking, the siblings go to school together.

about 6:30 on the morning of March 19, small thinking and Richie as usual out of doors. 1 hour after being sleep wake the Zs Rao master burst of rapid ringing of the phone. The phone is Richie’s class teacher, asked Richie how not to go to school. Master Rao Yi Gulu out of bed, my heart filled with a burst of foreboding.

Rao master arrived Richie classroom, his seat is really empty. Reith said, because her breakfast like to eat instant noodles, Richie likes to eat fried rice, and parted before about 200 meters from the school several breakfast. Several students said they had seen Richie in a breakfast to eat breakfast, do not know where he went.

Richie missing Master Rao around Greater Chen Primary School to find four or five laps, but had never found a trace of him. Rao master residence and large primary school between the rear mountain, the mountain one day Tianmen. The child will go to the mountain temple to play it?

the steps of the mountain along the rear did not go far, Rao master a distraction sky blue umbrellas scattered on the ground, it is taken away small Qi Qingchen out. Tianmen Temple and did not find the figure of Richie. He hurried to the local police reported the matter.

19 noon, March 20, Richie aunt found a reservoir in the Peak. The reservoir was built in a shabby brick house within an area of ​​approximately 20 square meters, only a small opening to enter. Because the water is very turbid, and she got a branch military, mired for a while, Richie’s a sports shoe floating up.

Rao master jumped into the waist of the sewage and Richie fishing up, he has not any vital signs.

“Later, we find the mountain several times, but could not find Richie’s bag and the other shoe.” Rao said the master.

through the Yiwu Municipal Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation Brigade forensic site investigation identified Richie Department have been killed.

According to Rao, the master, he and his wife Dachen work has been in 2056. While working businesses and house rented for a few times, but always with people whom have never uttered a contradiction, red face. Children who have nothing valuable things really do not know who to him under this murderous? “He said bitterly.


At present,

Yiwu police are over this homicide investigation. As soon as the murderer to justice, the police has been released reward notice also urged the murderer gave himself up as soon as possible to fight for clemency. (End)

Yiwu import and export steady growth in clothing and accessories

From Yiwu Customs data show that from January to February this year, Yiwu foreign trade import and export value of $ 520 million, an increase of 8.7%, an average increase of 5 percentage points higher than the import and export of Zhejiang Province. Which exports $ 470 million, an increase of 7.3%, imports of $ 053 million, an increase of 22.1%. In February, the import and export of Yiwu $ 130 million, down 7.9 percent; imports of $ 028 million, an increase of 53.3%. Among them, the clothing and accessories exports still dominates exports totaling $ 210 million, accounting for 45% of the total export of Yiwu.

Affected by the debt crisis in Europe, Yiwu, the largest export market for EU exports decline, the first two months of this year fell by 2.4%. Over the same period, the U.S. market to maintain sustained growth, total exports of $ 78,660,000, an increase of 17.2%. From the structure of export products, apparel and clothing accessories, electronic products, textile yarn, fabrics and products, still occupy the top three export of Yiwu. In addition, the rapid momentum of growth in machinery and electronic products, total exports of $ 58,160,000, an increase of 34.4%.

Yiwu Customs staff believes that this year, Yiwu export situation is not optimistic. Not conducive to all kinds of foreign trade of the factors that continue to exist, such as the situation remains volatile in the Middle East, the main consumer countries do not have to show strong signs of recovery in the international market is tepid. It is worth mentioning, Europe and the United States trade protectionism is clearly on the rise, and frequent anti-dumping investigations against Chinese products, and to impose punitive tariffs, trade barriers continue to upgrade. China has become the biggest victims of the United States and Europe to the abuse of trade protection measures.

In this regard, the industry recommendations: to continue to maintain the price advantage of Yiwu, product innovation and value innovation can quickly enhance the profit margins of the small commodities. In addition, to take full advantage of state tax policy, might as well go out for international investment.


Location of Yiwu

Yiwu is situated in the central Zhejiang Province, connecting Guangdong and Fujian on the south and Shanghai on the north. It is 300 km to Shanghai and 120 km to Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang. Transportation is convenient with highway and railway connecting most big and medium-sized cities. Over 20 airlines have been opened to big cities like Beijing, Hongkong, Guangzhou, etc.

He sells ketchup packets in Douala

Actually the first destination of Kaka Chen in Africa was Ghana, where his family clothing business started more than 10 years ago.
Yiwu’s businessmen always choose the clothing business as their starting point when they go to overseas countries to explore new profits, especially in African countries. ”
That was really a wise choice made by my parents 10 years ago. But nowadays clothing business environment is becoming tougher and tougher,” said Kaka.
So it was not strange that Kaka proposed to his parents that they should explore new business after he stayed in Accra, the capital of Ghana for two years. “What’s your plan?” asked his parents.
“Ketchup packages.”
The ketchup should be a prosperous business. Kaka stated that Africans always add some ketchup into their staple food, to satisfy their unique taste. “They like the sour taste, they feel delighted when their fry rice with ketchup.”
So that’s how Kaka fought for his own business, by leaving Ghana and opening a ketchup factory in Douala, the largest commercial city in Cameroon.
“Life in Douala is boring, I have to say.” Kaka confessed that life in Africa is kind of simple, like the life of monks in the temple.
There are no malls for shopping, no entertainments for killing time; what Kaka usually do at nights is watching the CCTV-4 programs and occasionally pressing the F5 button to
refresh the net page. “CCTV-4 is the only Chinese channel we can watch in Douala. The network speed there is slow to a crawl, it always takes minutes to access the website, and
that really cultivates my patience.”
But what at t r a c t s Kaka in Douala is still the simple life. Africans generally get married when they are 15 or 16 years old. Yaona, a 20-year-old young man Kaka hired as his employee, is already playing the role of a father – “I have 2 kids to feed.” Yaona’s opening remarks somehow astonished Kaka. “They work for 8 hours a day and get 600 yuan a
month, and they feel satisfied and cherish their work opportunities.
They sing when they are working, they look very happy and optimistic, and I like the way they work.”
One more thing which impresses Kaka in Douala is the frequent usage of the typical made-in-China mobiles. “You must know this kind of mobiles, with long time stand-by and amazingly high decibel ringing. It costs about 200 to 300 yuan in Douala.”
Kaka said Africans always show their kindness to Chinese, just like what Yaona said one day when Kaka had chats with his employees:”Chinese people are so smart, their mobiles are of good quality but low prices, and the TV show made in China is wonderful.” Kaka briefed that his African friends like the ”
Journey to the West” the most. “It is translated into English, of course.
Africans are big fans of the ‘DaShiXiong’ Sun WoKong.” Yaona and his fellows nicknamed one of Kaka’s Chinese employees (who is fat) as “Er ShiXiong”(Pigsty), and this nickname could get all the people in Kaka’s factory into a big laugh.


2012 the 7th China yiwu auto Accessories & Parts Fair

2012 the 7th China yiwu auto Accessories & Parts Fair
Time: on17th -19th May 2012
Location: yiwu international expo center
Organizer: Chinese auto parts industry company
Support units: yiwu city people’s government
Joint unit: yiwu automobile accessories industry association
Exhibition situation:
Since 2006,  China yiwu auto Accessories & Parts Fair has held six time in the zhejiang yiwu successfully, in the theme of national automobile products professional fair, the indicators of exhibition scale, extroverted degree, turnover ect. has got common affirmation and recognition by exhibitors, buyers and government departments. It has become a higher extroverted degree professional exhibition in china  auto Accessories industry .
Yiwu is the international commodity circulation trade center, the commodity market has 4 million square meters operation area, managed more than 62000 booths, including 16 categories, 4202 species, 33217 detail kinds, 1.7 million kinds of single product, 200000  day trade passenger flow volume,more than 2200 outside company setted up in yiwu business organization, more than 11000 foreigners be a resident in yiwu. more than 2500 containers exported to 215 countries and regions per day .

Car accessories Yiwu

Car accessories Yiwu
Yiwu car accessories market is an important part of Yiwu market. There is a professional auto parts street near international trade city, district 1. If you want to find car accessories Yiwu, that is the must-go place for you.
Car accessories in the street contain six different branches: zone auto supplies, auto parts area, hardware area, fast repair decoration area, and foreign trade business area. There are over 500 shops offer all kinds of car accessories in Yiwu. More than 50% of these products are exported to other countries or other provinces. In another word, car accessories in Yiwu spread all over the word. The brands of these accessories are from international famous brand to local top brand, and the quality is reliable.
If you want to know better about Yiwu auto accessories, you could pay a visit to Yiwu, or you can take the chance of the coming 2012 the 7th China Yiwu auto accessories & parts fair, you will get comprehensive understanding of car accessories in Yiwu.


The worlds largest trading post… Yiwu, China

Great weekend for a change.  The weather was warm, sometimes sunny, little rain etc…   Friday I took the riders to the Buddhist temple which is on the other side of the Qaintang River,  then halfway up a distant mountain.   Actually the mountain’s base is in a ghetto so we drag our bikes halfway up the 500 stairs and chain them to a rail where the entire world can watch them.   I haven’t had my bike stolen there in my previous visits.   My monk friend was in meditation when I visited, but their were three elderly female caretakers there to greet us.   They poured us some tea and resumed making whatever crafts they were working on.   I showed Chen and Ray the various temple buildings and then we left.   It is a chore to climb all the steps but it gets easier as I get more used to climbing.

Afterwards we had a great lunch at the dirty road side restaurant which I previously described as the place where they rinse the greens on the same driveway where the baby shits

Crossing the river

Crossing the river

.   Yes,  this is true my friends.   I relish the greens here,  but they are always washed in some form of black water.   Maybe it adds to the flavor.   As long as it;s boiled….  I just eat it.   As usual the food and service was excellent and cost about a buck fifty for a 5 course meal.  The downside is the shit of course.   Then we jumped back on the bikes,  rode back to the 2 mile wide bridge, crossed over to the Xiasha side,  and headed to the riverside park in order to feel the sun and watch the myriad of beautiful kites.   We stocked up on beer, pineapple, and boiled peanuts for snackies.   We laid out on the river bank and just chillaxed for a couple hours.   First time I’ve been able to just “Chillaxe” in the park without having to keep moving.   Next time we will bring the guitars!

We left the park,  bought some pork stew al’ Filapino ingredients and all went back to my apartment to cook, bullshit,  and play the guitar.   Chen as usual played his three chords like a madman and soon picked them up flawlessly unlike any other guitar student that I have ever taught.   He just practiced the same boring drill for a few hours and done!   He internalized the three chords.   His rhythmn is horrible so I just have him do downstrokes in 4/4 time.   This way the upstroke and rhythmn doesnt confuse so much. Since then Chen has downloaded the 9 chords and lyrics to the John Denver song “Country Roads”,  and he just stopped in and I taught him how to play the chords and sing the song

Chen and Ray

Chen and Ray

.   Chen never ceases to amaze me.

After a fun night with Ray and Chen,  they gave me a Chinese name: “Chang Xiou Yao”,  which means “happy with traveling”   as they noticed that I am in a happy place while riding my bike.

Saturday:   I chilled at home until 3:30 then headed toward my Kiwi friends place nearby.  “Chris” and “Diane” are my occasional neighbors whom I’ve written about before.  Chris is one of the smartest people I’ve ever met.  A great conversationalist.  Diane’s best friend was cool as can be.  She is a Kiwi,  but spent 20 years in Kawai and another 10 in Oregon,   her accent is not as strong as Diane’s is.   Both her and Diane are atheletes and love to run, bike, kayak ect…   They also seem to enjoy shopping!  (admittedly one of my weaknesses).

The four of us went to a fancy dinner at a restaurant called “Wu’s Brothers” and had a most spectacular time.  Kiwi’s are fairly normal people no matter who they are.   Wu’s was an excellent place and the company was nice.   Diane and Wyennis had much info on how I can export Chinese jewelry to the US and possibly make some money.   PM me for a picture of some spectacular samples of pearl, coral, turquiose and more

Handsome temple guard.

Handsome temple guard.

.   The pearls a the best bang for the buck.  I have a source for excellent pearls at prices a westerner would not believe.

The next day the four of us went to the great trading city known as ‘Yiwu”.    Yiwu has a jewelry wholesale market that defies imagination.   Pearls and stones as far as the eye can see.  We spent hours there,  looking over the stock,  discussing  prices. ect…   Yiwu is a wholesale market and wants to sell multiples of whatever it is you want.   they sell everything you can imagine.   Tools, clothes, toys, electronics, handbags, ect….  Yiwu will have a giant pavillion of nearly any product you want and will ship a container load to you with no problem.   Yiwu is where much of the worlds trade happens.

With jewelry I can just mail order it once I determine what will sell. I met many suppliers and have their cards and e-mails.   I can get some amazing things at low costs.   Being a man, knowing what women want to wear is a problem for me.   But with expert help, I managed to buy a few samples to pass on to my reps back the the US.  (both reps are new at this as well).   Who knows,  we might just strike it big.  If any of my friends back home want to get into the jewelry business,  just let me know

Diane and Wynnis

Diane and Wynnis

.  You can use the Avon lady approach to sell pearls and other oriental jewelry.

After walking miles around the markets in Yiwu we took a cab back to the Yiwu train station.  I totally got busted for having a few sharp stiletto knife in my front pocket.  The security lady with the metal detector found it and would not give it back.   She put the knife on the xray machine and I politely picked it up and tried to ask if I could put it in my back pack.  She got a little pissed and called her boss to come talk to me.  I motioned that I merely wanted to put the blade into my baggage,  he didn’t think it was the best idea,  but since hee was also dealing with some pissed off drunk, farmer bastard,  he just handed me the knife and told me to leave.   Haha..  China is much cooler about stuff like this then America would be.


More Hotels IN Yiwu

Hotels in Yiwu


The best hotels ranged from 2 star to 5 star in Yiwu City. Please check on the following hotels, and contact us which hotel you prefer. We can book it for you at lowest price based on agreements between our company and hotels. 

Warm reminder: All prices shown on our website are regular prices after discount. Hotels do not offer any discount during  China Yiwu International Commodity Fair ( 21th October – 25th October). Some hotels may use original room prices from 18th October. So please contact us for detail prices before booking.


5 stars  


  • Yiwu Kingdom Hotel
    The Yiwu Kingdom Hotel (Yiwu Jindu Jiudian) is located west of Citizen Square in downtown Yiwu and a 10-minute drive from Yiwu International Trade Center—the world’s largest small commodity wholesale market.
  • Hyde Jianguo Hotel Yiwu
    The Hyde Jianguo Hotel (Haide Jianguo Jiudian) is a comprehensive business hotel close to Haide Park, just a nine-minute drive from the world’s largest small commodity wholesale market—- Yiwu International Trade Center and a 25-minute drive from Hengdian World Studios—a film-making site.  Read more >>
  • Tianheng International Hotel
    The Tianheng International Hotel (Tianheng Guoji Dajiudian) is located in Beiyuan Industrial Park with Hangjinqu Freeway near at hand.   Read more >


4 stars  

  • Yiwu ssaw Hotel ( Huafeng )
    The Yi Wu Ssaw Hotel (Shimao Junting Huafeng Jiudian) is located in central Yiwu.  Read more>>
  • Yiwu ssaw Hotel ( Chengzhongcheng)
    The Yiwu Ssaw Hotel (Yiwu Shimao Junting Chengzhongcheng Jiudian) is located on the bustling West Chouzhou Road and offers guests convenient access to local transportation networks.  Read more >>
  • Yimei Plaza Hotel
    The Yimei Plaza Hotel is a top luxury business hotel in downtown Yiwu, near Xiuhu Square.  Read more >>
  • Best Western Premier Hotel
    Yiwu Fair-goer favorite for location, value, service and quality.
    The Best Western Premier Ocean Hotel (Yiwu Zuijia Xifang Haiyang Jiudian) is a four-star business hotel located close to Binwang bus station and Binwang Market, one of Yiwu’s primary trade centers.  Read more >>
  • Quintessence Kaixin Hotel 
    State-of-the-art conferences and recreation by Binwang Market.

    The Quintessence Kaixin Hotel (Yiwu Qiantang Kaixin Dajiudian) is a business hotel located in the city’s 21st Century Business Area within easy reach of the bus and train stations as well as Yiwu airport, which is approximately 15 minutes away
     by car. 
  • Yindu Hotel
    Pool, bowling alley in Yiwu biz district location
    Conveniently located in the city’s business district, the Yindu Hotel (Yindu Jiudian) features 222 rooms, ranging from standard rooms to deluxe suites.  Read more >>
  • Yihe Hotel
    The Yiwu Yihe Hotel (Yihe Dajiudian) is a modern business hotel located near the Binwang Bazaar. Elegant, comfortable standard rooms, executive rooms and apartments come in a variety of styles, totalling 289 in all.   Read more >
  • Yiwu Hotel
    The Yiwu Hotel (Yiwu Dajiudian) is conveniently located close to the railway station, about a 15-minute drive from the airport.  Read more >>
  • Bali Plaza Hotel Yiwu
    Located in the well-known China small commodity city-Yiwu, the Bali Plaza Hotel (Yiwu Balidao Guangchang Jiudian) is near People’s Square and puts guests within easy reach of many commercial, dining and entertainment areas.  Read more >>
  • Yiwu International Mansion
    The Yiwu International Mansion (Yiwu Guoji Dasha) is a business hotel located on Binwang Road, close to the Binwang Market.   Read more >>
  • Ramada Plaza Hotel
    Great Ramada value and modern amenities, downtown location.
    The Ramada Plaza Yiwu is affiliated with Ramada International, and is located in the heart of Yiwu. It is only 5 minutes from the bus terminal by car, and 10 minutes from China Commodity City.   Read more >>



3 stars  

  • Byland Star Hotel
    The Byland Star Hotel (Yiwu Bandao Xingji Jiudian) is a business hotel located in Yiwu’s commercial center, close to the International Trade Center and a five-minute drive from the Meihu Exhibition Center.   Read more >>
  • Yinlong Hotel
    Yinglong Hotel Near to Binwang Market, convenient communication.  Read more >>
  • Hiyat Hotel
    Hiyat near to Futian Market and Indian restaurant. Read more >>
  • Fortune Business Hotel
    Fortune Hotel Near to Futian Market.
  • Ejon Fashion Hotel
    Ejon Fashion is near to Night Market and the Foreign Street.  Read more >>
  • Ejon Intercontinental Hotel
    The Ejon Intercontinental Hotel (Yijia Zhouji Jiudian) is a business hotel close to Binwang Market—one of the three main markets of China Small Commodities City, offering guests easy access to a shopping and entertainment street.   Read more >>
  • Ejon Kins Hotel
    The Ejon Kins Hotel (Yijia Jinsui Jiudian) hosts various guestrooms outfitted with central air conditioning, satellite TVs, refrigerators, hair dryers, 24-hour hot shower and free broadband internet access.   Read more >>
  • Goumao Hotel
    Goumao Hotel near to Futian Market, elegant environment. Read more >>
  • Jinda Hotel
    Located in Yiwu, the Jin Da Hotel (Jinda Binguan) is conveniently close to Yiwu International Trade City, the Binwang Long-Distance Bus Station and a clothing market.  Read more >>
  • Yiwu Suofeite Hotel
    Yiwu Suofeite Hotel (Suofeite Jiudian) is located in the busy commercial district on Chouzhou Bei Lu, close to the largest International Commercial and Trade Center in Asia.  Read more >
  • America’s Best Inn & Suites
    The America’s Best Inn & Suites (Yiwu Zuijia Meizhou Yueting Guoji Jiudian) is located in the most bustling downtown city, where there are shopping centers, Xiuhu Park and People’s Square.  Read more >>
  • Diyuan Hotel
    Diyuan Hotel (Diyuan Jiudian) is a three-star business hotel located close to downtown near provincial Economic Development Zone and Beiyuan Industrial Park.  Read more >>
  • Bugetel Huadu Hotel
    The Budgetel Huadu Hotel (Pujite Huadu Jiudian) is a boutique business hotel located on West Gongren Road, within easy reach of the Binwang clothing market.   Read more >>
  • WHWH Business Hotel
    Facing Yiwu International Trade City (also called Futian Market)—the largest wholesale market complex in China, the WHWH Business Hotel (Wanhaowanjia Shangwu Jiudian—Yiwu Dian) is a comprehensive hotel just 10 kilometers from both the airport and railway station.  Read more >>
  • World Hotel
    The World Hotel (Weidun Jiudian) is a business hotel situated near Asia’s largest small commodity wholesale market, the Yiwu International Trade Center, about 10 kilometers from both Yiwu Airport and Yiwu Railway Station.  Read more >>
  • Snow Peak Hotel
    The Snow Peak Hotel (Yiwu Xuefeng Dajiudian) is a comprehensive hotel located close to the Yiwu International Trade City. It is 6 km away from the airport.   Read more >>
  • Yiwu Milan Holiday Hotel
    Yiwu Milan Holiday Hotel provides cozy rooms, western restaurant, and deluxe sauna. Read more >>
  • Yiwu Hongkong Hotel
    Yi Wu HongKong Hotel is a 4-star mordern hotel with ideal location for both leisure and business.  Read more >>
  • Yiwu Holiday Hotel
    Yiwu Holiday Hotel is located at the central politic area of Yiwu, close to Xiuhu Park, has easy access to the railway station and the airport. Read more >>


≤ 2 stars  

  • Fuheng Hotel
    The Fuheng Hotel (Fuheng Dajiudian) is situated close to Meihu Convention and Exhibition Center and just 20 kilometers from the airport.   Read more >>
  • Jianyang Hotel
    Located on Middle Jiangdong Road, the Jianyang Hotel (Jianyang Jiudian) is adjacent to Meihu Convention and Exhibition Center, just 10 kilometers from both the railway station and the airport.  Read more >>
  • Tiandu Hotel
    Located at the intersection of North Gongren Road and Chengbei Road, the Tiandu Hotel (Tiandu Dajiudian) is within easy reach of the Binwang Market and Yiwu International Trade City, the largest wholesale market complex in China.   Read more >>
  • Days Inn Yiwu China
    The Days Inn Yiwu China (Yiwu Daisi Jiudian) offers guests easy access to the Yiwu International Trade City, the largest wholesale market complex in China and also one of the most advanced wholesale markets in the world.   Read more >>
  • Jinjiang Inn ( Yiwu China )
    The Jinjiang Inn (Yiwu) (Jinjiangzhixing Yiwu Dian) is located on Binwang Road and adjacent to Binwang small commodities market.   Read more >>
  • Ky Hotel
  • Byland Hotel
    Situated in Yiwu’s commercial area, the Byland Hotel (Bandao Jiudian) is close to the Meihu Convention and Exhibition Center and Yiwu International Trade City-the largest wholesale market complex in China.  Read more >>
  • Weierdun Hotel
    Weierdun Hotel is about 50m to International Trading City. Read more >>
  • Motel168 Yiwu Chezhan Road
    Opposite the former Yiwu Railway Station, Close to coach station.  Read more >>
  • Hanting Inn Yiwu Binwang
    Established in October 7, 2007, the 7-storey hotel has 94 guestrooms and suites with standard room measuring 19 square meters.  Read more >>
  • Yiwu Wangfeng Business Hotel
    Located at Binjiang west road of Yiwu, the hotel is 5-min-drive to Xiaoshangpin city, 10-min-drive to Futian market, 15-min-drive to railway station and airport. Read more >>
  • Yiwu Golden Hotel
    The Golden Hotel is located the golden section of Yiwu, near to the busy commercial trading area.  Read more >>


Yiwu (simplified Chinese: 义乌; traditional Chinese: 義烏; pinyinYìwū) is a city of about 1.2 million people in central Zhejiang Province near the central eastern coast of the People’s Republic of China. The city is famous for its small commodity trade and vibrant free markets and is a regional tourist destination. Although administratively Yiwu is a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Jinhua, it is more well-known than Jinhua nationally and internationally.



Yiwu was founded in the Qin dynasty, at or about 222 BC. Yiwu’s long history flourished as early as the Neolithic Age. Yiwu first became a county in 222BC and was renamed Yiwu County in the year 624 AD. In May 1988, the former Yiwu County was upgraded to a county-level city. In 1995, Yiwu ranked the 47th among China’s 100 most powerful counties/cities regarding comprehensive economic strength and in the same year listed as Zhejiang’s sole city among the nation’s experimental counties/cities of comprehensive reform. In 2001, the Yiwu overall economy ranked 19th of all counties (cities) of China.

Yiwu’s early culture has given birth to many great figures in the fields of literature, art, military, education, and engineering. Among these were Chen Wangdao, China’s first translator of the Communist ManifestoWu Han, historian and former deputy mayor of BeijingZhu Zhixi, the meritorious engineer in harnessing theYellow RiverZhu Danxi, one of the four distinguished doctors of the Jin and Yuan Dynasties ,and Zongze, a well-known general from the Song Dynasty who resisted aggression by the State of Jin, and as well as Wang Lee Hom, a very famous singer.


Yiwu is located 100 km south of the city of Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province. The nearest city to Yiwu is Dongyang. The area, as in most of the Province of Zhejiang, is in a mountainous region.


Yiwu is technically part of the greater Municipal region of Jinhua, although it has a distinct urban core. On China’s administrative strata it is a sub-prefecture level city. It has under its jurisdiction 15 towns and 8 villages, which covers 1102.8 square kilometers, 15 square kilometers of which are urban area of 650,000 people (2005 estimate). There has been talk of merging the Yiwu and Jinhua areas into a single municipal zone or economic entity, but this plan has yet to make its way into any formal discussion.[citation needed]


See also: Yiwu market

Yiwu is famous in China as a commodities center. The Yiwu market developed and managed by Zhejiang China Commodities City Group Co., Ltd. (Public, SHA:600415)[1]. Yiwu’s China Small-Commodity Market has for 6 consecutive years topped China’s 100 top open markets and was for successive years listed as “China’s civilized open market”. It has been named as the banner of China’s market economy and with a large variety of quality but cheaper commodities, the market has become a shopping paradise for tourists. It especially witnessed a rise in Arab traders who have been visiting the city since 9/11. Apparently, since many entrepreneurs from the Middle East found it more difficult to travel to America due to visa restrictions, they turned their attention to China. The Arab presence has fostered the rise mosques and Middle Eastern restaurants.

The GDP reached 52 billion yuan in 2009, an increase of 9% from 2008, and the per capita GDP reached 71,457 yuan (US$10,461). The per capita urban disposable income reached 30,841 yuan and rural pure income 12,899 yuan, increasing 7.4% and 8.5% respectively.

Its 4C-grade airport has opened over a dozen of air routes to such cities as BeijingGuangzhouShantouWeifang and Shenzhen. The ZhejiangJiangxi Railway and HangzhouJinhua Expressway pass through the city, making Yiwu an important local transportation hub. Express trains from Shanghai South Railway Station take less than three hours.

“Yiwu, 300 kilometers away from Shanghai, is the largest market of petty commodity wholesales in the world where various foreign buyers go to place orders.” Such a depiction comes from Chinese Figures Astonishing the World, a special report co-delivered by the United Nations,the World Bank and Morgan Stanley. In that special report, Yiwu is the only enlisted county economy. And in the choice of “the 2004 Most Favorite Chinese Cities of Domestic and Foreign Public in 2004”, Yiwu ranked the first among all county-level cities.

As documented by the author Tim Phillips[disambiguation needed ] … [t]he city of Yiwu … functions as a sort of ‘Wall Street’ for the counterfeiting industry, providing a vast marketplace where, Phillips states, 100,000 counterfeit products are openly traded and 2,000 metric tons of fakes change hands daily.
Eamonn Fingleton, 2008[2]

[edit]Cultural and social

Yiwu contains an Olympic quality stadium[citation needed]. Many events associated with trade take place in Yiwu City. Yiwu also has a sizable Chinese Muslim and Korean population, mostly working in the import and export businesses, as well as a very small Jewish population also in those businesses. It also has a large Christian Church. Yiwu is also known as the “sock town” as it produces over three billion pairs of socks for Wal-Mart, Pringles and Disney annually. Yiwu is also known as China’s number one producer of fashion jewelry.

The Guyue Bridge, a stone arch bridge built in 1213, is one the few existing bridges of that era.

[edit]Sister cities


[edit]International School

EtonHouse Yiwu International School http://yiwu.etonhouse.com.cn/

[edit]Senior High School

Yiwu High School


Yiwu Industrial & Commercial College

Hotels in Yiwu, Yiwu Hotel Map, Zhejiang resort rooms provided by China Hotels Reservation Center

 Yiwu Hotels Map selection: cheap or luxury hotels in Yiwu, all hotel rates discounted up to 75% by China Hotels. Check the hotel location in Yiwu (by map and distances from landmarks), Examine Video description and photos, Control our lowest rates and at last Book your hotel in Yiwu. All this takes two minutes.
Yiwu, is a city located in the province of Zhejiang, in China, with a population of 2 million people. Yiwu Commodities Market is also known as “The biggest market in the World”, “The Ocean of Commodities”, and “The Paradise for Shoppers”. Yiwu market has been booming from 1982, year of its establishment. Today the market has an area of about 4 million sq m where they are operating more than 62,000 booths, and where are working over 210,000 employees. Every day the Yiwu Market sell about 1,700,000 commodities. Over 60% of commodities are exported to foreign countries. Every year they are attracted here 318,000 overseas businessmen from 209 countries. In Yiwu there are 3008 foreign agencies for export. Every year about 570,000 containers are shipped abroad. The weather in Yiwu is humid and mild, with a temperature annual average of about 17¡ãC. Located in Yunhuang Mountain of Tashan County, Yiwu has two famous viewpoints temple, Shuanglin Temple and Yuanhuang Temple, that fused together. Yiwu’s most important attractions are, the Xiuhu Park (constructed with the architectural styles of Qing and Ming dynasties) and The Luo Binwang Tomb. 



 YiMei Plaza Hotel, Yiwu   
YiMei Plaza Hotel, YiwuLocated in city center, 3km to railway station, 10km to airport; Surrounding landscape: Xiuhu Plaza – Yimei Plaza hotel is located in well-known abroad Chinese small commodity city -Zhejiang Yiwu province, subordinates the Yimei group. Is situated at the lively town center, adjoining embroiders the xiuhu square. The hotel floor space is 51000 square meters, ground high 28, underground 2. The hotel has many kinds of comfortable and warm guest room: Standard Twin Room, Single Room, Visual room, Executive room, Business suite, Deluxe suite and so on.

Description | Photos | Map | Location | All Rates |

Check-in: 2012-03-21 check-out: 2012-03-22
Rooms rate/night
Business Standard Room included Two breakfast 68.00 USD Book Now
Business Big Bed Room included Two breakfast 68.00 USD Book Now
 Best Western Premier Ocean hotel ,Yiwu   
Best Western Premier Ocean hotel ,YiwuDistance from the airport ( Km ):15kms Distance from the railway station ( Km ):15kms Distance from city center(Km):1 Surrounding landscape: Yiwu international trade city, Dongyang Hengdian film city corporation, Futian Market. – The hotel is enjoys geographical advantages and convenient transportation.

Description | Photos | Map | Location | All Rates |

Check-in: 2012-03-21 check-out: 2012-03-22
Rooms rate/night
Executive Twin Room included Two breakfast 115.00 USD Book Now
Executive Big Bed Room included Two breakfast 115.00 USD Book Now
 Yindu Hotel, Yiwu   
Yindu Hotel, YiwuLocated 5 minutes walking distance from the Railway Station. Situated 15 minutes by car to the Yiwu Airport. Distance from Binwang Stataion:1km Distance from International Commercial Center (Futian Commodity Center):2 km Distance from Binwang Commodity Center :0.5km – Located in the busy business center of Zhejiang China Commodity City.

Description | Photos | Map | Location | All Rates |

Check-in: 2012-03-21 check-out: 2012-03-22
Rooms rate/night
Business Big Bed Room no breakfast 71.00 USD Book Now
Business Twin Room no breakfast 71.00 USD Book Now
 Yiwu Kingdom Hotel   
Yiwu Kingdom Hoteltraffic: distance city center: 0km, from railway station: 5km, from airport: 20km Surrounding landscape: Xiu lake – It is 25minutes away from the train station, and 15 minutes away from the commodities markets

Description | Photos | Map | Location | All Rates |

Check-in: 2012-03-21 check-out: 2012-03-22
Rooms rate/night
Deluxe Twin Room included Two breakfast 95.00 USD Book Now
Deluxe Big Bed Room included Two breakfast 95.00 USD Book Now
 Yourworld International Conference Center,Yiwu   
Yourworld International Conference Center,YiwuLocated in the Mall Road and Ring Road junction, 10 minutes drive from the International Trade City,5 minutes drive from the railway station/airport and Hangjinqu expressway entrance . – Your World International Conference Centre both the bustling city of international business environment, and also located in Yiwu City where has the most beautiful areas of the natural environment, garden-style low-rise building planning and design, to create a pro-integration with the natural landscape and ecological holiday atmosphere, top meeting venue , first-class entertainment, dining, leisure facilities, It is the first choice for stating guest reception, administrative activities, high-end business, leisure and international conferences.

Description | Photos | Map | Location | All Rates |

Check-in: 2012-03-21 check-out: 2012-03-22
Rooms rate/night
Superior Twin Room included Two breakfast 108.00 USD Book Now
Deluxe Big Bed Room included Two breakfast 115.00 USD Book Now
 Ramada Plaza Yiwu Zhijiang Hotel   
Ramada Plaza Yiwu Zhijiang HotelThe hotel is only 15 minutes’ drive to the city center, airport and railway station; 5 minutes’ drive to the long-distance bus station, and 10 minutes’ drive to the commodity market of China. – Ramada Plaza Yiwu Zhijiang Hotel is a four-star hotel affiliated to the largest hotel group Wyndham Worldwide, and is the first hotel with the brand of Ramada in the central area of Zhejiang Province. The hotel is 19 floors in height and totally has more than 260 guest rooms. With its diverse restaurants, Japanese food, pubs, the well equipped health care, sauna and amusement center, it can meet the requirement of various people.

Description | Photos | Map | Location | All Rates |

Check-in: 2012-03-21 check-out: 2012-03-22
Rooms rate/night
Business Big Bed Room included Two breakfast 71.00 USD Book Now
Deluxe Twin Room no breakfast 72.00 USD Book Now
 Yiwu Yihe Hotel   
Yiwu Yihe HotelThe hotel is located in the city center of Yiwu; To Yiwu International Commodity Centre just need 3 kms About 10 minutes to the airport; Only 5 minutes to the exhibition center. – Located in the city center of Yiwu. Broadband internet access is available in all rooms.

Description | Photos | Map | Location | All Rates |

Check-in: 2012-03-21 check-out: 2012-03-22
Rooms rate/night
Standard Twin Room included Two breakfast 77.00 USD Book Now
Deluxe Twin Room included Two breakfast 84.00 USD Book Now
 Tian Heng International Hotel ,Yiwu   
Tian Heng International Hotel ,Yiwufrom Yiwu airport 10 minutes, distance to Yiwu new railway station and Hangzhou-Jinhua-Quzhou highway is shortest beside the office building on Beiyuan street in Yiwu – Located in the ‘ First International Trading City in Asia’ -the Beiyuan Industrial Zone in Yiwu, the hotel is only 10 kilometers to Yiwu Airport and a few minutes to the railway station. It’ s the nearest hotel from the Airport, Train Station and the High Way.
Hotel In Special OfferGuests stay at the hotel can enjoy the following benefits:
1. guests use the room card to plus a breakfast can enjoy 30% discount;
2. guests order disch and enjoy 12% discount (exclude seafood, drinks, cigarettes);
3. guests enjoy 15% dicount of sports and entertainment facilities;
4. guests use the room caard can free enjoy Sanua, swimming, fitness items(only for male guest).

Description | Photos | Map | Location | All Rates |

Check-in: 2012-03-21 check-out: 2012-03-22
Rooms rate/night
Superior Big Bed Room included Two breakfast 74.00 USD Book Now
Superior Twin Room included Two breakfast 74.00 USD Book Now
 Yiwu Ssaw Hotel-City in city   
Yiwu Ssaw Hotel-City in cityTo the airport: 12km To Xiuhu Square: 1km To Yiwu Railway station: 12km – Yiwu Ssaw Hotel is located in the famous commercial city—Yiwu. This hotel is in the bustling downtown, with the coach bus station nearby. So this hotel is with convenient transportation.

Description | Photos | Map | Location | All Rates |

Check-in: 2012-03-21 check-out: 2012-03-22
Rooms rate/night
Business Big Bed Room included Two breakfast 57.00 USD Book Now
Business Twin Room included Two breakfast 57.00 USD Book Now
 Bali Plaza Hotel Yiwu   
Bali Plaza Hotel YiwuTo Civil Aviation Airport and Railway Station: 20 minute-drive from the hotel. – Bali Plaza Hotel is located in well-known abroad Chinese small commodity city-Yi Wu of Zhejiang province. The hotel is in the middle of the city near by the city government, people square.

Description | Photos | Map | Location | All Rates |

Check-in: 2012-03-21 check-out: 2012-03-22
Rooms rate/night
Superior Big Bed Room included Two breakfast 69.00 USD Book Now
Deluxe Queen Size Room included Two breakfast 76.00 USD Book Now
 Yi Wu Ssaw Hotel – Huafeng   
Yi Wu Ssaw Hotel - HuafengYiwu Airport 7 km; Xiuhu Square 1.5 km; Yiwu Railway Station 8 km; International Trade City (Futian Market) 3 km; Municipal 1 km; New International Convention and Exhibition Center 3.5 km – YiWu SSAW Hotels-Huafeng is a kind of new styles of city chains hotels which is invested and administrated by ZheJiang Narada Hospitality Service CO.LTD. Located in No.2 Airport Road, Yiwu City, Zhengjiang. Located in the bustling downtown center location, it has conveniently situation.

Description | Photos | Map | Location | All Rates |

Check-in: 2012-03-21 check-out: 2012-03-22
Rooms rate/night
Business Big Bed Room included Two breakfast 57.00 USD Book Now
Business Twin Room included Two breakfast 57.00 USD Book Now
 Lantian Baiyun Conference Centre ,Yiwu   
Lantian Baiyun Conference Centre ,YiwuHotel is located in the Baiyun Cultural Center at Dongyang City with an advantageous location of the center of Jinhua Economy ” Golden Triangle” ! It is only 9 minutes’ driving from Yiwu Commodity Center and 10 minutes’ driving from Hengdian Movies and Television Center, 1.5 hours from Hangzhou, 2 hours from Qiandaohu Lake, 2 hours from Shanghai, 2 hours from Ningbo, 3 hours from Shaoxing, 3 hours from Wenzhou. – Shining Hotel is an ideal place for business, recreation and vacation because of its quiet and secluded landscape.

Description | Photos | Map | Location | All Rates |

Check-in: 2012-03-21 check-out: 2012-03-22
Rooms rate/night
Normal Standard Twin Room included Two breakfast 46.00 USD Book Now
Deluxe Standard Twin Room included Two breakfast 61.00 USD Book Now
 Yiwu Hotel   
Yiwu HotelThe hotel has good transportation with the Bingwang Market to its east and the railway station to the west. It takes just 15-minutes by car to reach the Airport. – It is very convenient to reach the expo center.

Description | Photos | Map | Location | All Rates |

Check-in: 2012-03-21 check-out: 2012-03-22
Rooms rate/night
Superior Twin Room (15 F) included Two breakfast 58.00 USD Book Now
Superior Big Bed Room (15 F) included Two breakfast 58.00 USD Book Now
 Yiwu legend Hotel   
Yiwu legend HotelHotel is located in commercial center of Yiwu city, and adjacent to the International Trade City which known as “the world’s largest market”, 5 minutes’ driving from Yiwu International Exhibition Center. – Yiwu legend Hotel is managed by Omega hotel management company, it is a joint venture, with the features of culture theme Mansion Hotel. Hotel is a pioneer of Mansion Hotel in Yiwu. Hotel is located in commercial center of Yiwu city, and adjacent to the International Trade City which known as “the world’s largest market”, 5 minutes’ driving from Yiwu International Exhibition Center, with strategic geographic location.

Description | Photos | Map | Location | All Rates |

Check-in: 2012-03-21 check-out: 2012-03-22
Rooms rate/night
Preferential Business Room 49.00 USD Book Now
Business Big Bed Room included Two breakfast 52.00 USD Book Now
 Hyde Jianguo Hotel, Yiwu (Former Ramada Hyde Hotel)   
Hyde Jianguo Hotel, Yiwu (Former Ramada Hyde Hotel)The hotel is 25 minutes’ drive to Yiwu airport and railway station, it is a five minute walk from the World Trade Centre and a short ten minute commute by hotel shuttle to the Yiwu International Commodity Centre, drive 25 minutes’ to Hengdian. – Ramada Hyde Hotel covers an area of 61, 854 square meters and has 586 comfortable guest rooms, various kinds of conference rooms, and restaurants with delicious foods. The hotel is decorated with American style. Its good service and pleasant environment will surely make you feel ease and relaxed.

Description | Photos | Map | Location | All Rates |

Check-in: 2012-03-21 check-out: 2012-03-22
Rooms rate/night
Standard Twin Room B included One breakfast 52.00 USD Book Now
Standard Big Bed Room B included One breakfast 52.00 USD Book Now
 Yiwu Milan Holiday Hotel   
Yiwu Milan Holiday HotelDistance to airport: 8km Distance to railway station: 8km Distance to city center: 4km – Milan Holiday Hotel, Yiwu is a new business hotel with refined decoration only 3-5 minutes by car from Yiwu International Trade City.

Description | Photos | Map | Location | All Rates |

Check-in: 2012-03-21 check-out: 2012-03-22
Rooms rate/night
Standard Big Bed Room included Two breakfast 38.00 USD Book Now
Standard Twin Room included Two breakfast 38.00 USD Book Now
 Yiwu Suofeite Hotel   
Yiwu Suofeite HotelDistance from the airport: 20km Distance from Yiwu railway station: 20km Distance from the municipal government: 3km Surrounding environment: the international trade center, Futian Market, Binwang Market, Underground shopping center, the municipal government, Meihu exhibition center, etc – Yiwu Suofeite Hotel is located in the flourishing business area of Chouzhou Road. Adjacent to the largest international trade center in Asia, the hotel boasts an inclusively favouable location.

Description | Photos | Map | Location | All Rates |

Check-in: 2012-03-21 check-out: 2012-03-22
Rooms rate/night
Normal Single room B included One breakfast 41.00 USD Book Now
Deluxe Single room B included Two breakfast 44.00 USD Book Now
 Diyuan Hotel, Yiwu   
Diyuan Hotel, YiwuDiyuan Hotel is neighboring with Yiwu downtowm, the provincial economy development zone and Beiyuan industrial zone. It is only 2 minutes’ drive to Yiwu Agriculture-Trade City, 10 minutes to the railway station, and 12 minutes to the airport. – Diyuan Hotel is a modern business and conference hotel built in accordance with 3-star standard. Characterized by convenient transportation and perfect location, it owns 120 guest rooms in various types and 500 dining seats.

Description | Photos | Map | Location | All Rates |

Check-in: 2012-03-21 check-out: 2012-03-22
Rooms rate/night
Deluxe Twin Room included Two breakfast 39.00 USD Book Now
Deluxe Big Bed Room included Two breakfast 39.00 USD Book Now
 Yiwu Jinda Hotel   
Yiwu Jinda HotelYiwu thick Chau No. 877 (In the opposite of International Trade City Gate 1 E1), close to the railway station, City Centre: 3 Km; Yiwu Railway Station: 12 Km; Airport: 12 Km; Ferry 3Km; – Yiwu Jinda Hotel is a foreign-based business travel hotel, whose guest rooms in accordance with national standards for the design of 3-star.It is located in North Road, Yiwu thick Chau No. 877 (In the opposite of International Trade City Gate 1 E1), , close to the railway station, the cultural market of Zhaozhai, subsidiary food of Binwang, clothing market, long-distance passenger transportation center of Binwang .

Description | Photos | Map | Location | All Rates |

Check-in: 2012-03-21 check-out: 2012-03-22
Rooms rate/night
Business Single Room A With computer included One breakfast 27.00 USD Book Now
Business Standard Twin Room A With Computer included Two breakfast 30.00 USD Book Now
 Yiwu International Mansion    71
Yiwu International MansionAdjacent to Binwang Market and Bus terminal; To Yiwu International Trade City and International Confernce and Exhibition Center: 0.5km; To Airport: 15km, distance from Railway Station 18km. – On the basis of five stars standard to construct a synthetic and deluxe business hotel YiWu international Masion, Be managemented by Park hotels the international limited(hongkong).It’s adjecant to the Binwang Market and Bus Terminal, about 0.5km to the International Trade City and International Conference and Exhibition Center, about 15km to the Railway Station and the Airport.

Description | Photos | Map | Location | All Rates |

Yiwu’s daily floating population is above 200,000,boost the development of hotel industry.There are thousands of hotels distributing at the downtown.And among them there are 3 hotels under five-stars standard,9 hotels under four-stars standard and 11 hotels under three-stars standard.

Yiwu Tian heng hotel

Yiwu tian heng hotel
☆☆☆☆☆TianHeng Hotel is founded according to five-stars standard and furnished with the most advanced guest rooms

Yiwu Tian heng hotel

Yiwu Kingdom hotel
☆☆☆☆☆ The kingdom Hotel is located at west side of the prospuse Xiu Lake Square in the Yiwu China Commodities City

Yiwu Yindu hotel

Yiwu Yindu hotel
☆☆☆☆ 225 guest rooms are specically designed by hongkong famous designers.

Yimei Plaza hotel

Yimei Plaza hotel
☆☆☆☆Yimei Plaza hotel is located in well-known abroad Chinese small commodity city – Zhejiang Yiwu province,

Yiwu Kaixin Hotel

Storage Service
☆☆☆☆ QUINTESSENCE KAIXIN HOTEL is a standard four-star international business hotel, locates in Yiwu culture center,

Yiwu Xuefeng Hotel

Yiwu Xuefeng Hotel
☆☆☆☆Yiwu Xuefeng Hotel is a comprehensive business hotel to be built by Zhejiang Xuefeng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd

Yiwu Yinlong hotel

Yiwu Yinlong hotel
☆☆☆Being a foreign-related hotel with three-star standard. The hotel owns 139 guest rooms, besides it is equipped

Yiwu Huafeng hotel

Yiwu Huafeng hotel
☆☆☆Huafeng hotel is located just in the downtown. It is Only 10 kilometers from railway station(just 15minites by taxi),

Tip: Note we get 30%-50% or more discount off the published rate at many Yiwu hotels. We provide our existing and new clients with free yiwu hotel booking service as a courtesy. Please note However, we are a sourcing/purchasing agent, not a travel agent. If you are simply looking for discount hotels, please contact the hotels directly. Yiwu sourcing agent provides free yiwu fair logistics support and services to our clients who use us as their purchasing or sourcing agent. Basic group tour guiding service is free to everyone who wishes to join us at the CHINA YIWU INTERNATIONAL COMMODITIES FAIR, and Yiwu fair, Yiwu sourcing fair, China yiwu fair, yiwu commodity fair.

Yiwu Railway Station 12 trains the Opening Time Changes

From Yiwu Railway Station yesterday morning, the reporter learned that in order to optimize the passenger train, according to the existing passenger train load factor, the Shanghai Railway Bureau adjust part of the passenger train from 00:00 on March 20th.
In these changed trains, adjust passenger train operation section. Nanjing south to West Jinhua D5661 adjust for Nanjing to Jinhua West, and through the Shanghai-Nanjing, Shanghai-Hangzhou high-speed rail, Shanghai-Kunming bypass, Shanghai-Kunming line running; the original Jiangshan to Nanjing South D5692 running section adjust for Jiangshan to Nanjing and be diverted via Shanghai-Kunming, Shanghai-Kun bypass, Shanghai-Hangzhou, Shanghai-Nanjing high-speed rail operation.

The following trains are in Shanghai Bureau, from the originating station since March 19 began to adjust:
Yantai-Jinhua West K1181, Fuzhou to Nanjing West 2002; the Hangzhou-Jiangshan D5691, Shanghai Hongqiao to Yiwu D5653/D5654 since March 20, according to the new time to run; Nanjing to Jinhua West D5661, west Jinhua-Hefei D5678, Hefei-Jiangshan D5677, Jiangshan to Nanjing D5692 since March 20, run according to the new time.
Shanghai Hongqiao to Quzhou D5689/D5690, Shanghai Hongqiao to Jinhua West D5663/D5664 since March 20 operate according to the new schedules. Huaibei to Jiangshan K8371 run under the new timetable since March 21, K8372 since March 20, run under the new timetable.

The Yiwu Pilot Get Significant Industry Support

Recently, the State Council approved Zhejiang Yiwu Economic Development Zone was upgraded to national economic and technological development zone vigorously push forward the comprehensive reform of the international trade.
The State Council General Office said on it issued on March 2 this yeay to Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government and the Ministry of Commerce of the State Council r to upgrade to the reply of the National Economic and Technological Development Zone, Zhejiang Yiwu Economic Development Zone, after the upgrade,Yiwu Economic Development Zone named Yiwu Economic and Technological Development Zone,implement the policies of the current national economic and technological development zones. This will be the support major industry platform of city’s international trade comprehensive reform.
Yiwu Economic Development Zone was established in August 1992 approved by the provincial government in 1994 for the provincial economic development zone, adopted in 2006, the National Development and Reform Commission, the audit shall be maintained. In October 2009, approved by the provincial government, to be one of the 12 development zones integrate and improve  pilot across the province, integrated planning area of ??93 square kilometers.
After nearly 20 years of development, Yiwu Economic Development Zone work out  a road of  focusing on manufacturing Commodity, market and industry linkage, the secondary industry and tertiary industry integration, industrialization and urbanization promoted each other featured development, and fostered the clusters of arts and crafts, jewelry, knitting socks, zippers, and cultural goods industry, build a successful technological innovation service platform of the national post-doctoral workstations, the Virtual Institute, the technology industry gathering Park and Zhejiang University – Yiwu Incubation Center, electronic appliances, machinery manufacturing and other emerging industry booming. Existing high-tech enterprises, science and technology enterprises, enterprise information model 47, 35 city-level R & D centers, seven patent model enterprises at all levels; Chinese well-known trademarks and China Top Brand 16, National Inspection-free Product 6, Yiwu has become even the Zhejiang region’s most important industrial base and an important window of export-oriented economy.